
What is xPath

XPath  is a language that describes a way to locate and process items in Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) documents by using an addressing syntax based on a path through the document’s  logical structure or hierarchy . XPath in used in Selenium  to uniquely identify an element on a Webpage as element locator just like the way we use PostCode and House address in real world to locate Home Address. What is Firebug Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. The whole content of this page is taken from the Why it is Useful to Selenium Automation Tester 1) View source live :  Firefox has a “View Source” window, but it doesn’t show you what the HTML source really looks like once it has been transformed by JavaScript. Firebug’s HTML tab shows you what the HTML looks like  right now . 2) See changes hi

Agile Testing - Daily Scrum

Daily Scrum -  'I did this, I will do this, I have/have no impediment'. OK, next, 'I did this, I will do this, I have/have no impediment'. OK, next......and the 'STATUS' meeting continues until all are done. Sounds familiar, right??? It is very common to see daily scrum being run as status meeting, as if the entire team is reporting to the Scrum Master. The 15 min timebox event is meant to synchronize the team's work and plan for the next 24 hrs and not as a status meeting. May be this has got to do with the way the daily scrum is structured which requires the team members answer those 3 questions. It is interesting to see how the daily scrum goes when the Scrum Master is not present.  Daily Scrum is one of the important 'Inspect and Adapt' events of Scrum wherein the team inspects its progress of achieving the sprint goal, any impediments in the progress and adapt if the plan will change. A good practice is to do this as a self-organized tea