Page scrolling using Selenium
Scrolling a webpage is required in automation when the application requires scrolling down or up to display additional information e.g. most of the e-commerce sites display only 10-20 products at a time and then load more products as the user scrolls down. In this tutorial we'll take example of flipkart website and automate the scrolling of webpage in order to fetch more results. In automation first we will launch, write a search term and then scroll down to fetch more results corresponding to that search term. Automating page scrolling will make use of "scrollBy" method of javascript. For executing the javascript method we will use Javascript executor. The scrollBy method takes two parameters one each for horizontal and vertical scroll in terms of pixels. JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver; js.executeScript("scrollBy(0, 2500)"); Following test script automates flipkart's scroll down functionality to test display ...